- The company has, as its primary goal, the perfect implementation and the delivery of the finished product that fully meets both the needs of the client or the end user.
- The objective is achieved with the utmost respect for contractual obligations, seeking a fair economic gain, so as to maintain the high competitiveness of its prices within the rules of the market.
- To meet and possibly pre-empt the demands made by the ‘Customer’ thanks to the remarkable ability to communicate and interact effectively and transparently with Government Authorities, Local Authorities and financial operators
- Experience, constant effort, the will to improve and the employment of highly qualified staff, systematically keeping abreast with legislative and procedural issues (which allow the monitoring of each activity and/or working phase) are the fundamental elements upon which the success of a Company are based.
- The Unimpresa S.p.A intends to direct its attention to the acquisition of public works projects, interesting from both a technical point of view and profitability.
- At present, it is increasingly necessary to resort to a mode of financing that involves, in addition to the public funds available, private capital from Banks or private companies. (Project Financing). Another important objective is therefore, to orientate and consolidate the company’s activities into the field of Project Financing, as well as to strengthen its presence in Italy and abroad, favoring major infrastructure projects
Unimpresa S.P.A.
Registered officeViale America, 93
00144 Roma
Via R. Livatino,22
84083 Castel San Giorgio (SA)
C.F e PIVA 05908770489
Tel +39 081 5161166